Welsh Veg into Welsh Schools Project

We’re so very proud to be partnering in the launch of the next phase of the ‘Welsh Veg into Welsh Schools’ project at the Royal Welsh Show. Our continuing work with Food Sense Wales and supply chain partners, sees home grown veg by local growers on school menus across the Welsh regions.

Attended by key figures in Local Authority catering across the country, the evented highlighted the importance of a sustainable Welsh products on school menus whilst discussing the benefits of procuring organic vegetables at no extra cost, thanks to the support of the Welsh Government.

Currently a significant amount of the vegetables served in Welsh schools is frozen and the majority comes from outside Wales. Much comes from Europe from climate vulnerable countries and none of it is organic.

Welsh Veg in Schools is changing that. This pilot enables Welsh Government funded Free School Meals to support Welsh growers and farmers to sustainably expand production and employment in Wales, at the same time as increasing resilience, cutting carbon, increasing biodiversity and contributing to Wales’ global responsibility.

Welsh Veg in Schools recognises that procuring Welsh, sustainable and resilient vegetables is more expensive and covers the difference between that higher price and the usual price a Local Authority pays. It relies on wholesalers with existing contracts with Local Authorities to facilitate the link between organic growers and schools. Creating this secure market has reduced the risk for growers and is enabling the sector to expand, presenting opportunities to capitalise on efficiencies of scale and collaboration.

Over the next five years we want to expand the pilot from 8 to 100 growers, to bring in £1.5 million worth of sales per year, equivalent to £12.4 million worth of social, economic and environmental gain. This would up the organic local sales to 10% of the estimated total vegetable purchases for schools and save an estimated 60 tonnes of CO2e annually before factoring in replacement of frozen which has an even higher footprint.

For more information, contact edward.morgan@chfoods.co.uk