Keep up to date with all our business news here…

Changes to our Saturday Delivery Service

Due to the continued impact of the lockdown measures, we…

A New Era of Trading...

As we enter a new era of trading with the EU, we look ahead to…

Annwyl bawb, Dear all...

As the year draws to an end, it is clear that we have many…

Christmas Lorry Competition Winner...

Here at CH, we’re a family business that’s determined not…

Christmas Home Delivery Launches

Christmas is coming and NEW for the 2020 festive season is our…

Regional Wholesaler of the Year

Absolutely thrilled to be named 'Regional Wholesaler of the Year'…

Proudly Working With FareShare Cymru

We're delighted to announce our partnership with FareShare Cymru…

Proud to be 'Lockdown Loyalty Legend'

We're extremely touched to be named a 'Lockdown Loyalty Legend'…

Certificate of Recognition

Extremely honoured to be a part of the #SwanseaTogether project…

Welsh Hamper Giveaway #LoveWalesLoveTaste

In celebration of Welsh Food & Drink, we’re giving…