Keep up to date with all our business news here…

Christmas Exhibition Date Announced

We're pleased to announce that our Christmas Exhibition will…

CHFoods Receive BITC Reaccreditation

We've recently received some great news - We've been successfully…

Mario's Ice Cream Launch 'Soft Mix'

It's certainly been a busy few months for the team at Mario's…

Mario's Ice Cream Scoops Gold

Congratulation to Mario’s Luxury Dairy Ice Cream, who have…

Solar Panels installed at HQ & Celtica

Solar panels have now been installed on the roof of Celtica Foods…

HQ Set for Expansion

We're pleased to announce that full Planning permission has been…

What you said about the show...

''Just wanted to say thank you to Castell Howell for  the show. It…

Spring Expo 2016 a Huge Success

A massive thank you to all visitors for making our Spring Expo…

Development Stewart Williams is Here to Help...

Resident Development Stewart Williams is here to help with all…

Celtica - Award Winners

Congratulations to all at Celtica Foods (part of the Castell…