Committed to achieving Net Zero by 2050

Delighted to announce our collaboration with Carbon Partner Auditel, who are supporting our journey to being market leaders in establishing a Net Zero supply chain.

Matt Lewis, MD explained: “Our supply chains extend across Wales, the UK and globally and we recognise that we have a responsibility to address the environmental impact of our operation and of the 14000 products sold. We’ve been completing the mandatory energy reporting and have invested to reduce our energy use and emissions, however, to be considered as Net Zero market leaders we need to employ the services of external professionals. Consequently, we have launched our partnership with Auditel to advise and help steer us through the challenges that lay ahead.

Our Carbon Reduction Plan commits the business to be Net Zero by 2050, at the latest. Our ambition is to be market leaders in the food supply chain, working in partnership with colleagues, customers, and suppliers to achieve this goal. The business is heavily reliant on energy and fuel to operate. We need to explore all options to minimise our use of non-renewable energy and manage our resources efficiently.

Accurate measurement of our scope 1 and scope 2 impacts is critical in order to establish a baseline that we are confident is as accurate as possible. From here we can work across our supply chain to evaluate our scope 3. Many of our customers and suppliers are on a similar journey, it’s important that our part in the supply chain is independently verified and that our targets are aligned with theirs, being pragmatic, realistic and achievable.

Our aim is be market leaders in establishing a net zero supply chain and we have been developing our relationships with our suppliers for numerous years, the partnership with Auditel will help strengthen our message. We have completed a life cycle assessment of our organic salmon portions, and working with NFU Energy we’ve completed carbon audits at two farms who supply us with Welsh beef. We have introduced LED lighting, invested in our refrigeration system, installed solar panels and we purchase vehicles that are as efficient as possible with an electric multi-temperature delivery vehicle being added to the fleet from Autumn 2024”